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Integrations Dashboard

The Integrations dashboard displays a list of all Integrations available in the Backflipt platform.

Integrations Dashboard

Integrations Dashboard


Items Description
Integrations - IPAAS is located on the navigation bar (left pane) of the Backflipt platform Home page.
In the top pane, you can search for Integrations, import, and create them.
  • Search bar: To search for a particular Integration.
  • Label: Displays the total number of Integrations.
  • Create Integration: To create a new Integration.
  • Import Integration: To upload an existing Integration.
In the center pane, you can view the list of integrations. Each integration displayed on the Integrations dashboard includes the following information:
  • Name: The name of the Integration.
  • Services: Displays the total number of services available in the integration.
  • Webhooks: Displays the total number of webhooks available in the integration.
  • Integration ID: Displays the integration ID of the Integration.
  • Created On: The date and time at which the integration was created.

In addition to the above, from the Integrations dashboard, you can perform the following actions:

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